Chloe Marshall is a 17 year old, 176 lb Beauty from England. She’s the first plus sized contender of Miss England and her aspirations are great.
Chloe Marshall is 5′ 10″ tall and with her weight being 176 lb, she’s what we here in North America would consider a size 12 woman – not exactly what we’re used to seeing at Miss Pageants.
There was a brief segment about Chloe Marshall today on Good Morning America. That obnoxious bitch Barbara Walters chewed on croissant to set the mood for a segment involving this 176 lb beauty. I’m not sure if she was trying to be cool or what, but she’s just made herself look entirely obnoxious.
Chloe said she works out in the fitness center 4 times a week, but doesn’t shy away from a chocolate bar when she feels like. In other words, she indulges herself to all that she likes without being overly concerned about the negative effect it can have on your body. Her idol is Beyonce, whom she finds to be proud with beautiful body.
Image: WENN
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