2008 Presidential Debate Video – Full 1 Hour and 36 Minutes

2008 Presidential Debate Video – Full 1 Hour and 36 Minutes

2008 Presidential Debate Video – Full 1 Hour and 36 Minutes

2008 Presidential Debate Video is here available on line in full length – over 1 hour and 36 minutes of horseshit. It all went down in the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Mississippi and was hosted by obnoxious Jim Lehrer. The debate was of course between a republican nominee, Senator John McCain of Arizona and a democratic nominee, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois. 2008 Presidential Debate was sponsored by the commission on presidential debates. Three more presidential and vice presidential debates are due in October.

The first of the 2008 presidential debates went as expected – Barack Obama is full o horseshit and so is John McCain. As documented in the video, this presidential debate revolved primarily around foreign policies and national security, including the global financial crisis.

Answers to questions were supposed to be given in 9 minutes segments, each of the candidates had 2 minutes to address it’s stance on the issue. The sequence in which the candidates speak was to be determined by a coin toss.

Barack Obama obviously won in choosing better suit. He lost in everything else. John McCain has plenty of flaws and I don’t like him one bit, but he seemed more coherent (I seriously can’t stand Barack Obama’s stuttering) and has really cool sounding voice. On the other hand, McCain should already quit pulling his POW card all the time.

Make your own assumption. Democrats will remain worshippers of Barack Obama, republicans will remain the worshippers of John McCain. Here’s the full length video of the first of 2008 Presidential Debates.

2008 Presidential Debate Image credit: AP Photo

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