Asa Dotzler Suggest Switching to Bing from Google on FireFox Blog
December 13th, 2009All people with 2 or more brain cells know that Mozilla Firefox sucks as internet browser. Smart people have always known it but due to anti-Microsoft campaigns, less savvy individuals were brainwashed to believe that FF is the best thing since plastic dildo and despite complete suckiness continued using it. Google joined the bullshit and promoted Firefox as well but that only lasted until some Google individuals decided to create their own failed browser – Chrome. The near perfect relationship between Mozilla and Google started to stand on shaky grounds. And now, high rank personnel at Mozilla, such as the director of community development Asa Dotzler suggest switching the default search engine settings of your Firefox from Google to Bing.
This is nothing new to me. I have been questioning Google and their potential violations of people’s privacy ever since Google started to exist. Google is the biggest depository of on line behavior in the world and as it seems, they only provide their services (primarily search engine services) in exchange for permission to spy on you. In order to use any of Google’s services, you must enable Google to put cookie with unique identifier on your computer. Each time you log in to any of Google’s services, regardless of whether it’s your computer or not, this unique identifier follows you around and tracks everything you do on line. It likely stores all of your behavior on Google’s servers that never get erased. Even if you think you are deleting something, it’s only deleted from your access pane, but Google keeps it. Do you think that if you use Gmail and delete a compromising message that it is erased from the face of the world. LMFAO, think again you moran!
No my friend, if you look around the internet, you will find lots of evidence that Google keeps all of this info because it’s a valuable information about your behavior on line. It exactly identifies you so they know precisely who you are, where you live and what you do.
Imagine this for example:
When you repeatedly search for directions from place A to place B using Google Maps, and one of those directions associated with your searches repeats often, it is assumable that it’s either your place of residence or work. Thus the unique identifier that is contained within Google’s cookie could quite potentially identify where the person that this Google ID belongs to lives or works.
It gets far worse if you also have Google toolbar installed and if you turn on Google History, then there is no hiding about what you did, where you went, whom you fist fucked, or what your favorite condom flavor is. This information is stored right before your face and you consented to it. This way Google knows everything about you, because they have been collecting this information that identifies you for years.
It took people at Firefox quite a while to realize and admit to that. Asa Dotzler brought it up on his blog and offered recommendation to switch from Google to Bing with instructions on how to do it, particularly because of privacy issues. Yet Mozilla is also one of the reasons why so many people became victims of what could be Google’s abuse. Because half brained internet users who were bullshitted into using Firefox had Google set as their default search engine. Well, even though they suck, at least Asa Dotzler did eventually realize the potential threat and admitted the dangers.
The main reason why Asa Dotzler recommends swishing to Bing from Google is Google’s extension of personalised search which basically means that the search engine will store any and all information about what you search for unless you specifically stop it. In other words, this collection is not turned off by default, it is turned on without your consent and remains on unless you turn it off. Not that Google will stop collecting data about you, but this way they do it with your consent because you haven’t told them not to, so they have a legal right to do it.
The video below is from the interview with Eric Schmidt, Google’s SEO who addressed the questions about privacy like this:
That’s right, according to Google’s CEO:
“If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.”
So let me translate to you what Google’s CEO is saying. He says, that if you search for a divorce lawyer but don’t want your wife to know, you’re doing something wrong. If you are searching what jobs are available in your area but don’t want your current boss to know about it, you’re doing something wrong. He believes that if you do something that is private to you, it’s something bad. Google remains the most ridiculous company ever and their CEO is a good proof of that.
Eric Schmidt continued by saying:
“If you really need that kind of privacy, the reality is search engines, including Google, do retain that information for some time….. it is possible that this information could be made available to the authorities.”
Let me translate this again – Google CEO basically confirmed everything I have been saying all this time. Google does collect all form of personally identifiable data about you, stores it all and waits for the moment to use it against you, when need be. Google can and Google will use information they have on you and they have a lot. They collect absolutely everything and paste it together to get a perfect picture of who you are, where you are, what you do and what you will do next. This is how I translate the words of Eric Schmidt that came right out of his mouth.
I’m no longer the only one who knows that. At this point of time, even Asa Dotzler from Firefox knows that and wants everyone to know. Firefox fanboys can get off their high horses and listen for once (wait, they still have no more than two brain cells… Ahh well). Even though on his blog Asa Dotzler has been reluctant to say it as bluntly as I do, the message is clear. Google’s privacy policy sucks and it is time to switch to Bing, the privacy policy of which is more user friendly. In other words, Bing doesn’t base their business model on spying on people and sharing personal information with third parties without your consent. I have switched to Bing a long time ago. How about you?
To read the post posted by Asa Dotzler on Mozilla Blog, head over to
Asa Dotzler photo by ReyBrujo, Wikipedia
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