Dr. Dean Ornish is a world renown authority on fighting diseases with lifestyle and dietary changes. As clinical professor at University of California, San Francisco he has undeniable credentials and brain capacity to have his words taken seriously. The video below has a speech of Dr. Dean Ornish in Monterey, California on genes and how lifestyle changes can positively impact changes in genes and lead to increase of brain cells. You may or may not know, it’s corrupted genes that cause cancer. As big supporter of Marijuana legalization and making it fully available for medical purposes, I especially enjoyed the part where Dr. Dean Ornish points out healing properties of weed.
According to Dr. Dean Ornish: “when you eat healthier, manage stress and exercise more, your brain gets more blood flow and more oxygen.” I have been replaced big part of my diet with organic food, have cut down on eating fast and processed food and walk 10 minutes to and from work. I believe this part of lifestyle changes is not difficult and anyone can do that. What I do see as bigger challenge is stress management. Managing stress is definitely challenging in today’s difficult economical and social climate. It’s not like one can live a stress free life when you’re getting bombed by creditors and threats that they’re gonna put collection agencies on your ass. I assume Yoga or Tai Chi would be a great start as far as stress management goes. But let’s get back to Marijuana:
Dr. Dean Ornish recommends following to increase brain cells:
- Chocolate
- Tea
- Blueberries
- Moderate intake of Alcohol
- Stress management
- Canabinoids (aka Marijuana)
That’s right, such capacity as Dr. Dean Ornish recommends smoking marijuana in order to increase the brain cell count and turn your gene to work for you, not against you. How is that for the medicine? Let’s take a look at what Dean Ornish recommends to stay away from as these decrease brain cells:
- Saturated fat
- Sugar
- Nicotine (only smoke marijuana, not tobacco)
- Opiates
- Cocaine
- Large intake of alcohol
- Chronic Stress
And it’s not only your brain that benefit from these lifestyle and dietary changes, as is outlined by Dr. Dean Ornish in the video. It’s also beneficial for your skin, so you age slower, it’s beneficial for your heart, so you are less prone to heart disease (it can help unclog your arteries), occurrence of prostate cancer is significantly lower and most of all – your genitals will get more blood flow so you will be able to get erection. This is probably why I can easily masturbate to on line porn – I smoke marijuana, not cigarettes, so erection is not a problem.
Marijuana is good for you. But don’t only take my word for it, listen to Dr. Dean Ornish – he’s an authority like no other. Big drug companies don’t want Marijuana legalized, because if anyone could grow such potent medicine freely in their backyard, people would be healthy and that would put incomes of a $600 Billion a year drug industry in jeopardy. Check out Marijuana Documentary called The Union for more info on that. Video of Dr. Dean Ornish on Healing Marijuana and Genes vs Fate is below (courtesy of TED)
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Caro Dr. Dean Ornish
Por acaso descobri seu livro Amor @ SobrevivÊncia, voce não imagina minha alegria meu contentamento em saber que voce compartilha igualmente das minhas ideias. Sou psicologa clinica e confirmo com voce que as pessoas querem precisam ser AMADAS, OLHADAS, OUVIDAS E QUE COMPORTAMENDOS CURAM.
Abraço carinhoso de sua fã do Brasil
Estéla Santos