Muslim Numbers in Europe, Canada, USA and the World

Muslim Numbers in Europe, Canada, USA and the World

You have probably heard that Christianity is no longer the largest religion of the world. It was passed in numbers by Islam. Muslims are multiplying with unprecedented rapidity while fertility rate in non Muslim societies is way below the rate necessary to maintain itself. The video below puts Muslim numbers in perspective against numbers of other social, cultural and religious groups.

It is likely that the world will be taken over by the Muslims within a few short decades. As the video states, research has shown that in order for a culture to maintain itself, it needs the fertility rate of at least 2.11 children per family. Any culture with lesser fertility rate than that will decline. As per historical records, no culture that reached fertility rate of 1.9 children per family was able to reverse the decline.

Many of the Western European countries have had alarmingly low fertility rates in past years, most of them below level needed to sustain itself. Some countries are even below 1.3 children per family fertility rate, which is the rate at which the decline of society is impossible to reverse as it would take 80 – 100 years to correct itself and there is no economic model that can sustain a culture during such long time. Below is the list of statistics of fertility rates in some countries in Western Europe:

  • France: 1.8
  • England: 1.6
  • Greece: 1.3
  • Germany: 1.3
  • Italy: 1.2
  • Spain: 1.1

Global fertility rate across 31 countries of the European Union is mere 1.38. With such low fertility rate, Europe would be bound to reach extinction, but their population numbers are not declining. The reason is simple – immigration. Most immigrants to Europe are Muslim, people from Islamic background. Since 1990, 90% of all immigrants to Europe have been Muslims. While French families have on average 1.8 children per family, Muslim families in France have on average 8.1 children per family. Muslims sure like to creampie their female partners.

As the video says, the world is changing. The global culture our children inherit will be vastly different that it is today. The demographics of the world is changing vastly in favor of Muslims. While Muslim numbers are growing, numbers of other ethnic and religious groups are declining. This is the case of virtually every continent. Europe has been hit with mass Muslim invasion perhaps the hardest, but there are frighteningly growing numbers of Muslims in Canada and the USA as well. It is predicted that by 2027, the numbers of Muslims in France will grow to such extent that 1/5 of the country will be Muslims. And in 39 years from now, France will be taken over my Muslims completely and will become an Islamic republic.

Number of Muslims in The Great Britain grew from 85,000 to 2,5 Million in the last 30 years. 50% of all newborns in The Netherlands are Muslims. Half of the population in The Netherlands will be Muslim in 15 years. 40% of the Russian army will be made of Muslims in a few short years. 25% of the population of Belgium are Muslims with 50% of all children born being Muslim. European government in Brussels predicts that by 2025, one third of all European children will be born to Muslim families. That’s only 15 years away. Germany federal statistics office made a point a few years back that the decline of German population can no longer be reversed and that by 2050, Germany will be an Islamic state. Europe will turn into a Muslim continent within a few decades.

The fertility rate in both Canada and the United States is now only 1.6 children per family. Islam is Canada’s fastest growing religion. In the United States, there were only 100,000 Muslims in 1970. Today, there are more than 9 Million of them. Our children will be born to a world ruled by the Muslims. Their numbers continue to grow while numbers of other cultures continue to decline. The video that puts it all in perspective is below:

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7 thoughts on “Muslim Numbers in Europe, Canada, USA and the World

  1. Mark Jolley

    Here is a more balanced read. while the video is nothing but Right-wing Christian propaganda.

  2. Bettie Wineberg

    So, why are the Muslims still being allowed to immigrate??? Deportation is looking good, too. Politicians, you can get plenty of votes by standing firmly against the Muslim invasion.

  3. Dick Rooduyn

    I’m not a Christian nor Muslim but my country used to be a Christian Country and I would prefer it would stay that way, for Christianity is part of the Culture I grew up in and in my view must never be a leading power, like Islam is.

    To me religion is like being a member of a tennis club, nice to meet people who play the game too but that’s as far as it goes, just a social gathering.

    The extreme from both religions has created and still creates violans,wars and situations where those who are playing the power-games are happy with but at the same time they are destroying this world in the name of their GOD!

    The existence of a God has never been shown,
    it’s a belief, there for I do compare believing in a god to being a member of a tennis club no dis-respect but closer to reality!

    The rulers of this world should be ashamed mainly for their greed to always want more at the lowest price possible even if that involved importing very poor people from very poor countries and being so naive to think, that these cheap laborers would leave by themselves when they had made enough money to go home.

    I do think only Switserland of all the European countries, understood how to deal with immigrants, if your job ends, you leave the country, there will be no funds from the government to support you and your family!

    My conclusion is that these leaders then and now are/were responsible for bringing the Islam to Europe and turning it to an Islamic part of the world which is very unnatural and very unwanted by all parties involved, meaning ordinary people who will never feel at home and the leaders of the countries have nothing to offer to ordinary immigrants.

    They will select the educated ones to use them but there will be no jobs for Ahmed of Mohamed and they will revolt and be trouble-makers by profession, making life unlivable for most people while our leaders will have walls around their homes so they don’t have to see the result of their ruling.

  4. Jummai

    Western governments are partly resposible for creating immigration problems by letting Muslims seek refuge in Europe. Now many countries want to deal with the issues which is very difficult but at least Europeans are beginning to discuss the problem. Those converting to Islam will be the ones to bring down the religion if they see that Islamists will suppressed Europeans. I have met many Western women who converted and now speaking badly about Islam because they disagree with forced marriages, Childbride violets, false teaching, intimidation of others, killings and suppression of women.

    I strongly belief that some day in Muslim countries just like what happened in Tunisia will happen. It may take time in countries like the Mid-east but it will happen because human beings are born free to think and develop. Muslims believe that if the convert the whole world into Islam, things will be easier for them to push their political agenda. But what they forget is that: 1. The world had change technologically and globally so no one country will totally dominate the other both religiously and economically. So will convert everybody on the planet is just a waste of energy and time. 2. Many countries are now aware of the the muslims agenda, but they so nothing publically. One can only how united the Muslims are, by bombing innoccent Mulsims or non-Muslims. 3.No country will let Islam take over their country, even in Europe Muslims make up a small portion of the population despite having children like rabbits and have not yet taking Europe which they want. 4. Islam is such a violet religion that it will turn on itself some day.

  5. Jamie

    First of all let me let you all know I am a westerner, from Canada born to white parents of UK origin and proud of my heritage and culture, and I am a Muslim and love my religion and way of life.Second of all Islam and Muslim are not a threat to sociotey and isnt an evil entity seeking to dominate the planet.

    Our expansion Is only inevitable considering our average birthrate and this age of globalization we live in today, did you know that there are many European/North Americans living in Muslim countries , such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, U.A.E Oman and Kuwait ECT.If the tables were turned whites would eventually become the middle eastern majority ! do you get what I mean ? let me ask you something … Who’s responsibility is it to ensure the growth and maintenance of a culture/ethnic group ? The people of that group, that’s who ! So don’t blame Muslims that the majority of western families are not willing to pro create at a sustainable level ,do you want your country empty and economically dead? or would you be willing to tolerate some diversity today ?

    Alot of the “evidence” in this video and Note above does come from accurate demographic study sources how ever it gets and F for its misleading and bias structure. 1)The note states France’s Muslim people produce 8.1 children per family…. False ,8.1 is the global average for Muslims , foreign families are smaller than those of Islamic nations , however is more than yours.2) this video suggests all Immigrants in Europe are Muslim, that’s ridiculous , haven’t you met a Hindu in London or a Buddhist in Brussels ? Another thing i might add is that not all people born to Muslim families conciser themselves religiously affiliated, so let me ask you all … Who is your problem with? Muslims or Ethnic diversity ? i am willing to bet if Muslims were mainly white you would not care about this. Many of you uneducated people speak of deporting Muslims to “where they came from” lol let me ask you ( as a Canadian) what country do you have in mind for me ? or as for my Lebanese buddy born here in Ontario , Where are you going to send him ? Lebanon? Good Luck and dream on.

    My advice for those who are scared of or have hatred for Muslims , i invite you to our houses and mosques , come get to know us , offer us friendship and see what you get , you will meet and get to understand alot of nice people and begin to understand there are screw ups in all different groups of people. YOU all have a chance to initiate a long lasting peaceful co existence with your counterparts before tensions run too high and you’re too out numbered to do anything about it. Muslim ruled Palestine( Israel) was proof of this Jews Muslims and Christians lived together in peace and harmony, too bad crusaders(Christians) ruined that. As a Muslim i want peace before any kind of dispute , its much better for you and I and all people , Islam encourages us to be kind to our neighbors , despite what you have heard or taken out of context , i really hope some of you are considering this because there is no way you are all as naive as the people this Racial/religious hate inciting video targets . As Salamu Alaikum to all reading this (peace be upon you all)

  6. mikaela

    Just to quote someone’s earlier comment: “I have met many Western women who converted and now speaking badly about Islam because they disagree with forced marriages, Childbride violets, false teaching, intimidation of others, killings and suppression of women.”

    All of you need to educate yourselves on the concept of religion and culture. Yes, Islam influences culture just as any religion would, but the only reason for the differences in the Muslim world is because Islam has been integrated as the religious undertone to separate cultural identities. So your accusation of forced marriages and killing and suppression of women are just as much tenets of the Islam as the KKK is to Christianity. People at times adopt religion as fuel for their own personal beliefs, and this is true of any member of any religious group in any part of the world.

    The statistics in this article are also completely incorrect – whoever has written this has a clear bias against the Muslim community, using words like “frighteningly” to describe the growth. Islam is a religion to which millions of people across the globe are dedicated, whether they have converted or were born into Muslim families.

    I’m actually so sick of hearing all of these attributes given to Islam when they are nothing but personal or cultural values. Just because a Christian man decides to force his daughter to marry someone doesn’t mean that Christianity requires forced marriages. This whole issue of child brides as well is completely a disgusting show of how ignorant people across the globe are. Yes, earlier Muslims including the Prophet himself married much, much younger. What you folk need to understand is that hundreds of years ago, cultural values were different and to compare the past relative to the values of the present is incredibly unintelligent. Let’s keep in mind that the most common practice of the affluent English society in the early 1600s leading up to just before the Industrial Revolution was the practice of older men choosing younger brides – 13 year old girls being married to 40 year old men was not uncommon either.

    Let’s get educated here people, grow up a little and step out of your selfish little bubbles.

  7. Ahmed

    I’m Moslem and i would like to invite you to know more about Islam. Simply when i bring you a cup of water and tells you to drink directly, what you do? you taste it first then you start to drink.
    Now i invite you all without any hate or promising you to be dead if you did not become a Moslem …. I just need you to be sure that you well be safe not only now but after you die. Islam in an easy way : That you believe that there is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet. and to start know about Islam. You can come to Azhar Shareef Mosque (like the Cherish or the Temple) in cairo Egypt or Kabba mosque in Saudi Arabia. I hope you understand that we’ll not fight you Or me at least.

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