Thug Attempts to Mug Asian Kid, Gets His Ass Owned (vid)

February 15th, 2009

This Asian kid is my hero. There is no sound with this video, but picture tells all. Worthless thug attempts to mug the kid, who is trying to buy a ticket and has large bags on him. He may have looked like a tourist, hence presumably vulnerable and an easy victim. Well, needless to say, thug picked a wrong kid to mess with. Asian boy was having none of that shit and fought back.

The whole incident allegedly took place in Atlanta, Georgia and that Asian kid is allegedly a student at Georgia tech. The thug who attempted to mug him got his ass kicked in a no bullshit choke hold and not only ended up without easy money, he actually landed himself a 3 year jail term. Well, deserved. And the kid who took him down deserves a fucking medal.

The only question on people’s minds right now is – why such clear recording of attempted mugging hasn’t made national news? Well, it would be politically and morally incorrect to say that if it was a black kid who got mugged, we would have likely all heard of it and seen masses of fellow African American marching the streets. But as I’d said, that’s not politically and morally correct hence I can’t suggest something that heretic on here. Come to think of it – it would never actually happen anyway. I mean – when was the last time you’ve heard of a black kid getting mugged by an Asian thug?


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2 Responses to “Thug Attempts to Mug Asian Kid, Gets His Ass Owned (vid)”


FUCKING EPIC!!!! Rear naked choked until he blacked out. Laying lifeless on the floor as he should. Piece of shit thug, That asian kid should be legally allowed to execute that piece of shit. Then cops should come and escort asian kid to “thug” household and help him burn it down with thugs family inside.


To the other commenter: There is no need for that.
Admittedly he should be allowed to defend himself, but what you suggest is downright evil, and murder. The thought that anyone should be murdered, let alone an innocent family is horrific.
I can’t belive what you have suggested.
You are sick, and should be locked away. You obviously have mental health issues.

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