Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

La Pequeña Supporting Hillary Clinton

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

Speaking of over the top supporters of US presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton has a new big time supporter who doesn’t speak English – a YouTube star La Pequeña.

Don’t ask me what gender La Pequeña is cause I have no damn clue. That creature looks like a midget transvestite with unknown mission on planet Earth. Should I be scared or should I rejoice? I have no damn clue about that one either. I’m overall lost.

It is truly hard to tell which presidential candidate has bigger loons for supporters. John McCain has wanderful McCain Girls performing Raining McCain, Barack Obama has an ever obnoxious $5 whore Casey Knowles who spews hate on Hillary Clinton’s 3am commercial, and Hillary Clinton has La Pequeña in her full sexual beauty. Would you hit it?

By the way, the song in the background is by Hillary Duff, called “Beat Of My Heart”. Below is another video by La Pequeña for Hillary Clinton, this time also featuring her best buddy – Machine. Would you hit this?


McCain Girls – It’s Raining McCain

Monday, March 24th, 2008

…and you thought Barack Obama’s supporters, like that dumb ass Casey Knowles were a bunch of retards. Look at thos hot chicks who call themselves McCain Girls. You best make sure you have a vomit bag handy.

McCain Girls are three sexy foxxes who got together and recorded a video titled It’s Raining McCain which is a remake of “It’s Raining Man” with lyrics modified to support John McCain’s presidential campaign. I really don’t know what to say. I’m short for words to the point that I think I’m gonna get nightmares. As a matter of fact, I actually watched this video till the end. I think I want to kick a baby now.

I think they’ve also edited the video by themselves on a green screen, cause the elderly lady on the left kind of disappears at times because she was wearing clothes similar to the color of a background. She’s also the one who sucks as lip syncing big time. She could have at least tried to memorize the lyrics. Then there’s this high pitch vocal in the background that makes for a seriously irritating listening experience. What a video.

If McCain loses, it will be because of this video.


Casey Knowles Lameness aka Hillary Clinton’s 3am Ad

Monday, March 24th, 2008

Got to love Barack Obama supporters, their lameness as well as the lameness of Barack’s ads never fails. I personally think he’s the decent candidate out of those who are still running, but man oh man. His campaign and his supporters remind me of kindergarten mass.

The video above features Casey Knowles who completely owned herself. She was looking for her 5 minutes of fame and when an option came, when Hillary Clinton used stock footage which contained her silly ass when she was a kid for her 3am ad, she opened her mouth and let pure bullshit out.

Casey Knowles is a tool. Useless, counterproductive, mindless tool. But then again, there are millions of others so she just joined the crows really.

I’m not a big fan of Hillary Clinton but let’s look at what is happening here. Hillary Clinton’s team put together a “3am ad” using stock footage of a little girl sleeping and make it look as though the girl was scared. For the purpose of their commercial, they were looking for the footage that would make it look like the girl in picture was scared, they found that one with Casey Knowles, deemed it useable for their purpose and put together their commercial. Tool Casey Knowles then comes and opens her mouth with bullshit claiming that she was not scared when the video was filmed.

Casey Knowles, you fucking dumb ass, this is a commercial using commercial footage. It’s meant to deliver a message, it doesn’t meant that the actors appearing in it are experiencing the same feelings. Do you think when you’re watching a horror movie, the actors are scared to death? No, there is a whole production team behind the camera and the bad guy is a friend. Only on the screen it looks scary, you dumb ass.

On a positive note, at least this time around those lame supporters of Barack Obama didn’t label it racist, like it happened a week or so ago. That time some tool Barack Obama supporters claimed the ad was meant to look like a burglary with intentions to fear the black men who could break into your home while you’re kids are sleeping. Some of the bullshit of Obama’s supporters is mind boggling.

I wander how much Barack Obama paid her fat ass to make a tool of herself.


Kristen form Emperor’s Club – Eliot Spitzer’s Hooker Revealed Here

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

Kristen form Emperors Club - Eliot Spitzer’s Hooker

Awesome. Meet Kristen – Page Six claims that Kristen is the hooker from Emperor’s Club who polished Eliot Spitzer’s penis for thousands of dollars.

As we reported yesterday, Gov. Eliot Spitzer was involved in Prostitution Ring and it was expected he was going to resign. At this moment his resignation has been confirmed. Eliot Spitzer resigned as the HBIC of New York.

FBI identified Eliot Spitzer as “Client-9″ during a wiretap and caught him ordering hooker Kristen from international prostitution ring Emperor’s Club. Ex Governor Eliot Spitzer aka Client-9 was a repeat customer of Emperor’s Club who used to send money in the mail, instead of paying by credit card.

Based in FBI’s wire tap record, Eliot Spitzer told Emperor’s Club hooker booker that he wanted Kristen to do things that she might think were not safe. When Kristen was made aware of special requirements form Client-9, she said she could handle guys like that. What “not safe” things Eliot Spitzer asked for has not been disclosed.

BTW, the website which was being used by Emperor’s Club for online hooker bookings appears to be down right now. You can see it by going to as well as to, however both links say that the site has been disabled. Maybe too much heat form the media forced the owners to pull it. Funny how the world works :D


Gov. Eliot Spitzer Involved in Prostitution Ring

Monday, March 10th, 2008

Gov. Eliot Spitzer Involved in Prostitution Ring (Silda Wall Spitzer on right)

New York governor Eliot Spitzer has been involved in a high class prostitution ring called the Emperors Club VIP operating out of Staten Island.

Eliot Spitzer is a former state attorney general and has been a big rising star in politics for the democrats. He’s most known for his efforts to grant driving licences to illegal immigrants.

It seems Eliot Spitzer was a client of The Emperor’s Club prostitution ring where powerful public figures get their sexual fantasies fulfilled. His speach to address these accusation is taking place right now and according to what has been said so far, Elliot Spitzer violated his family and apologized to them as well as to the public. There is a rumor in the air that he may be resigning.

Fox News reported that gov. Eliot Spitzer may have been known as “Client Number 9″ when involved in a prostitution ring. Gawker as well as New York Sun report that the prostitutes from this high class ring charged as much as $1000 – $5500 per hour. That five and a half grand per hour of penis polishing! WTF? I’m in a wrong fucking business.

Gov. Eliot Spitzer is 48 years old and has been married to Silda Wall Spitzer (both in picture above) for over 20 years. The couple has three daughters.


Hollywood Stars Made This Annoying Video to Support Barack Obama

Friday, February 29th, 2008

When it comes to lameness, hardly anything beats this video. Hollywood folks got all political and shit and some big names of overpaid losers who dropped out of high school, like Jessica Alba and the likes joined together to create the most annoying video of the decade.

Let us all repeatedly chant “Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama” so even those who took this guy somewhat seriously, can now file him under “Joke” for good.

Mr. Barack Obama, running for the president is not the same as running for the king of a high school.

The annoying video above is once again the work of Will.I.Am, this time entitled “We Are One”. If you didn’t know, Will.I.Am aka William James Adams Jr. is from the band Black Eyed Peas. This is his second video in support of Barack Obama, the first one was titled “Yes We Can”.

Don’t forget to keep chanting – “Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama” DUH!!!

Some of the well tailored pick up lines form the video are below. They were mixed with ones in Spanish language I did not understand (is Spanish the official language in the USA?). This video pretends to be about appealing to voters to go out and vote, but it’s hidden agenda is to tell you who to vote for. It’s using well targeted psychological nudges to make you vote for Obama. LOL

We can change the world,

I would like to see a cleaner world for my child that I’m bringing

I think it’s time for change; I want a better future for my children.

I would like our environment to be safe.

This is our America, my America, your America.

Someone to actually make a difference in my generation.

I would like to see us in a world without fear.

Basically, I just want the war to end.

I would like the rest of the world think highly of our amazing country.

The thing that most inspires me about Barack Obama is, that he really is going to be the president of the United States. He’s not gonna be the president of the top 10%, or the president of the most powerful corporations, or the president of the most powerful lobbyists, he’s gonna be our president, he’s gonna speak for us, cause we put him there.

That’s what Barack Obama is about – unity for this country and changing America’s face to the world.

Barack Obama speaks my language.

He stands for not just black people.

I believe in Barack Obama, because he believes in us.

Obama, Obama, Obama, ad nauseum…..

Have any of you seen anything even remotely as annoying as this video?


Barack Obama Boogie Dance with Ellen Degeneres

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

Ellen DeGeneres did an over-the-satellite interview with Barack Obama for her show and as we know her, she had to do her silly boogie dance and made presidential candidate boogie dance too. When is she gonna quit that shit? I mean it’s cool that Barack Obama has a sense of humor and feels comfortable in most situations, but it doesn’t matter who she was talking to – who cares about her sloppy booty jig?

Barack didn’t seem impressed but he went with it. He’s a terrible dancer though, or maybe he just couldn’t stand that bich as much as I can’t so he put on his “bored” face mask and swung his arms around. Running for president is not easy nowadays. Lame talk show hosts make you do stupid shit. And I mean it was not Barack Obama who came out looking like an ass out of this. It was the silly goose Ellen DeGeneres.


George Bush Vetoes Child Health Care Bill…

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007

George BushDear old soon to be leaving the white house president of the US George W Bush vetoed a bill passed by congress to expand the health care system and provide more health insurance for children of the USA. To help the children and provide them with better health care, the bill would have cost $30 billion, but George Bush vetoed it, after the bill was passed by the congress.

“30 billion to take care of USA children? No, sorry… ain’t gonna happen!” George Bush says…

…and then he asks for $195 billion for his war!

George Bush is so focused on the war, that he can no longer (actually, he never has) on his own people. Afterall… he likes to spend money on killing children, and they’re asking him to spend it to save them? Nope, ain’t gonna happen! He’s a warlord, not a savior!

By vetoing the child health care bill, George Bush, the president of the USA sends clear message to his fellow citizen and everybody else for that matter – he likes to see children die! Children who don’t live in America are OK to get killed by $195 billion worth of bombs, and children in his homeland are OK to die because of lacking health care. He’s a true hero!

And you know what the funny thing is? If you turn on the TV, this story is just a sideline there. It’s just mentioned as something of insignificant importance.


Why There Were No Terrorist Attacks Against the US Since 9/11

Monday, September 17th, 2007

Terrorist Attack on 9/11

Have you ever wandered why there hasn’t been another terrorist attack against the US since 9/11? It seems like Europe has been attacked by the terrorists few times since 9/11, yet even though USA is hated more than any of the European countries, there has been fewer terrorist attacks on the US soil that there has been in Europe. I do not have the answer to why, I’m just thinking aloud here.

So how come the USA have not been attacked by terrorists since 9/11?

One of the possible reasons is that US secret service busted all terrorist act attempts yet at the very beginning, before they were actually able to strike.

Another possibility is that terrorists find it easier and more effective to attack European (but not only, there’s also India and Philippines and other) countries because it’s easier to infiltrate their borders than it is with the US.

Or maybe it is that the USA got what due on 9/11 and now it’s time to strike others?

I think it attacking the USA has in fact become more difficult then it was before. It’s also a fact that being of Arabic descent raises red flags and is likely to put such person through enhanced “random” search.

Fact remains – they don’t really need to attack the US again, do they. Just look how much chaos this one attack caused. Everything is going well for them. They wanted the war and they got it. Now they can pick us apart one man at a time. It has damaged the US on many levels in the aftermath – economical situation is worsening, international position of the US has weakened, domestic front is all upside down. Their 9/11 aftermath is working just fine.

But then again – maybe the terrorists can see that the USA is doing enough damage to itself so they don’t even have to bother. US citizens are under terrorists attack from within…


Alan Greenspan – This War Is All About The Oil!

Monday, September 17th, 2007

Alan Greenspan

It looks like oil and arms industries are laughing at the rest of the US economy, which seems to be going in to the shitter. And now, once again, in the middle of this ruckus comes another former high rank US Fed with a book. Alan Greenspan is a former boss of US Federal Reserve who served his post for 18 years. According to Greenspan – “oil was the primary motive for the Iraq war” – what a discovery…

Alan Greenspan is now looking to cash in with his unbelievable discovery by releasing a book which he entitled The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World. The books is due to be published today (Monday) and allegedly the main topic of it is the war in Iraq, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and oust of Saddam Hussein which US and Britain claim to be the primary reasons for war, not oil.

At first sight it seems to me like Alan Greenspan is just looking for the opportunity to make a lot of money by coming with a biography to denounce the war as hypocrisy. What boggles me, though is that he wouldn’t come clear with it right away… Why wouldn’t he say so at the time? Was retaining his high pay job more important to him than people dying in war for oil? If he knew all about it, if he knew first hand the war in Iraq was not about the weapons of mass destruction, why did he not say so at the time? Why only now, that he wants to sell the book he comes clear about it? If he feels so strong on the issue, why oh why did he not say so at the time?

There are some positive aspects to it though – Alan Greenspan’s book might help wake up a few more Americans, which is never too late for. It is possible that the remorse eventually caught up with the dude and he wants to clear his own conscience so he no longer keeps silent about it. And maybe he wasn’t able to talk about it why he was in the office… but what do we know. Money talks!

I think the men with power will utilize their might to spin and discredit him, which will be fairly easy not that he is out of the office, because he “doesn’t know all the facts” anymore, does he? It will be just more damage to the US reputation abroad because there’s few high rank Americans who still enjoy international respect and Alan Greenspan is one of those few.

Now to the obvious – the facts are easily available and no one is “shocked” anymore that this war is in fact about oil, not terror. Unless you’re really slow, you’d already know that. However it is always a big positive to have a high rank fed come up and state the obvious. Even though we all know it and have known for a while, it is in fact sad there’s almost 10 million children who die throughout the world each year, yet billions are spent to kill tens of thousands in the name of protecting the few that might become victims of a possible terrorist attack. Think about it… Does it sound like “our people are worth more than your people” attitude to you?