This video is a great documentary about the dangers of aspartame and how diet coke causes cancer. It’s called Sweet Misery – A Poisoned World. It’s one and a half hour long but well worth your time. You can in fact just play it back and just listen to it without watching while you’re doing your work on a computer – it will still deliver a lot of great information that may help you save or improve your life.
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used in diet coke. When one switches to diet coke, it would appear that you’re doing yourself a favor but exact opposite is true. Aspartame is a poison. Aspartame dangers and its connection to many forms of cancer have been known for a while yet it is still available in form of diet coke (and others). There is hardly any win/win situation when it comes to soft drinks. You can either opt for diet version of it (such as diet coke) which contains aspartame and other carcinogens that can give you cancer or you can drink regular coke with high sugar to give you diabetes and high calorie volume to make you fat and clog up your colon.
Aspartame dangers were entirely ignored even though there was evidence of sweetener’s deadly effects. Donald Rumsfeld had his investment in aspartame, so the mass production accompanied with advertising campaign were launched and diet coke took off. The occurrence of brain cancer sky rocketed and so did cystic fibrosis and other terrible diseases.
Watch this documentary on aspartame dangers to get answers to some questions you may not have asked, but they could literally save your life. Diet coke causes cancer. It’s a fact. Find out how and make wise decisions. It’s your body, your health. Do what’s best for it. Stay away from aspartame.