Frank Calloway – Check Out the Art of 112 Year Old Alabama Man

Sunday, July 20th, 2008

Frank Calloway - Check Out the Art of 112 Year Old Alabama Man

Frank Calloway of Alabama celebrated his 112 birthday on July 2nd, this year. That’s right, Frank Calloway was born on July 2, 1896 – isn’t that crazy. Doesn’t it sound like an ancient date? Holy schmoly. Frank Calloway is one of the oldest men in the United States and despite being 112 year old, he’s still drawing strong. Quite literally.

Despite living in various mental institutes since 1952 after he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, Frank Calloway has become famous for his folk art. He spends whole days drawing scenes from farm life, houses, cars, wagons, and anything else that is stuck in his memory. His art gave him celebrity status at the Alice Kidd Nursing Home – part of Bryce Hospital in Tuscaloosa, Alabama where he’s a permanent resident.

Frank Calloway’s art is full of colors, often drawn on large scale papers with crayons or ball point pens. His art is very unique and can be easily recognized and attributed to Frank Calloway.

The art of Frank Calloway has been featured at various art exhibitions and galleries. His next exhibit will be at American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore. The staff at Alice Kidd Nursing Home say that he takes his art as if it was his job and spend 8-9 hours a day drawing. Happy 112 birthday, Mr. Frank ;)

Below is the video of Mr. Calloway drawing and talking about his art.