Tag Archives: Barack Obama

Joe Biden F-Bomb (VIDEO)

Joe Biden, the #2 moran right after his master Barack Obama has been caught dropping an F-Bomb while he was introducing his big buddy who was getting ready to sign the health care reform bill. Because health care problem is such a big f$%king deal, Joe Biden smiled at Barack Obama, shook his hand and did that half hugging thing with attempted cheek kiss during which he told the president that “This is a big F-BOMB deal”. Ridiculously, the audience stood up and gave Barack Obama a standing ovation. How to they pick those half brain idiots for the audience? Do they need to give the simpletons hints on when to stand up, when to clap and when to bend over and take it from behind like the obedient sheep they are?

Video of Joe Biden dropping an F-Bomb is above. You have to listen closely because he kind of whispers the f-bomb in Obama’s ear so it’s not very audible, but it’s there.

Barack Obama Fox News Interview with Bret Baier (Video)

Barack Obama Fox News Interview with Bret Baier

King of empty words and utter bullshitry also known as Barack Obama agreed to an interview with Bret Baier from Fox News and as always, Barack Obama stayed true to his reputation of being able to speak a lot and not say a word worthy of goat crap.

Barack Obama is plain and simple lost without his teleprompter. He has never been a public speaker and never had an option worth a fart in the bathtub. All he does is parrot what he’s told through his teleprompter and when faced with real questions without his advisors telling him what to say, he’s back to his natural self of being a stuttering idiot.

When Bret Baier asked Barack Obama a direct question, the president responded by stating that he gets too many emails. Then as the interviewer insists on an answer, Barack Obama proceeded to make empty speeches and accused Bret Baier of interrupting him! WTF Barry? You idiot! How about you address the question instead of pulling out like a coward that you are accusing the asking party of interrupting you?

Oh I see. You have never in the past been able to say anything of substance so why now, right? You don’t answer the question so you are repeatedly asked it and then you accuse the interviewer of interrupting you. How intelligent of you. Wait – did I just use word “intelligence” in the same articles with Barack Obama? The doom is upon us!

Video of that Barack Obama tool being interviewed by Bret Baier of Fox News is below. This is not the whole interview but shows what the rest was all about. Barack Obama hasn’t answered one single question:

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Thomas Bruso Interview

Thomas Bruso Interview

Thomas Bruso aka the Epic Beard Man who put young punk of a thug in place in an episode of poetic justice onboard a bus is one of those guys you would want to buy a drink for. Having become a celebrity overnight after his epic ownage of a thug who attacked him, people from the area caught up with Thomas Bruso and filmed this interview. As expected, Thomas Bruso proved he’s as bad ass as we think he is. the only fail during the interview were his last words where he kissed Obama’s ass. That was pure FAIL, but otherwise Thomas Bruso is for the win. Video with an interview is below:

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Miss Me Yet Billboard Mysteriously Reminds Us of George Bush

Miss Me Yet Billboard Mysteriously Reminds Us of George Bush

Mysterious billboard showing the large picture of former US president George Bush with caption reading “Miss Me Yet?” appeared along I-35 near Wyoming, Minnesota and is leaving everyone puzzled. At this point no one knows who’s behind the Miss Me Yet Billboard, but several reporters are on the case to uncover the mystery so we should have more details soon.

Since there is no indication as to who or which group came with the Miss Me Yet Billboard idea, at present time we can only speculate. One possibility is that it’s someone who’s seriously not impressed with Barack Obama and this is their way to express themselves. Or it could be someone who is seriously impressed with Barack Obama and wants to remind everyone that however useless current president is, he still has a long way to go to catch up with George Bush’s accomplishments.

Whatever the real purpose behind the Miss Me Yet Billboard, if it did make you feel nostalgic, you are likely waking up to the reality that Barry Obama is bigger a fuck up than George Bush himself. And to outdo Bush, it takes someone as special as Obama. Enough said!

Sheep in Turkey Gives Birth to Lamb with Human Face

Sheep in Turkey Gives Birth to Lamb with Human Face

I wouldn’t believe this story if you bribed me with blowjobs from your sister, but since masses at large out there are prone to believe anything they are served (Barack Obama becoming the president is the proof of the previous statement), let me tell you about a sheep in Turkey that gave birth to a dead lamb with human face:

Turkish veterinarian Erhan Elibol performed Cesarean section on the sheep in Izmir, Turkey but when lamb came out, it had snout that resembled human face (has Barack Obama been to Turkey recently?). Given that this story originates from Turkey one would have to think twice before they believe it. Mutating a sheep with human genes would not be that easy but then again, Turkey is a predominantly Muslim country (almost everyone is Muslim – 99%) and you never know what a Muslim would stick his dick into.

If you add to it the fact that most deformities come from these parts of the world (India rules in this regard), you could easily come to conclusion that this story is real, regardless of how crazy it may seem at first. Of course there are no videos of the lamb with human body, only questionable quality pictures and locals burned the body after it was born so scientists couldn’t study it and confirm the claims. You believe Barack Obama is the savior of the world, feel free to believe a sheep in Turkey gave birth to a lamb with human face. Meantimely, I’ll go and enjoy quality time with your sister.

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Barack Obama is Osama bin Laden

Barack Obama is Osama bin Laden

There is no question that Barack Obama is the Antichrist, but I didn’t realize until I saw this video that Barack Obama is also Osama bin Laden. Such multitalented Muslim he is. It’s actually pretty creepy when you realize that Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden share the same facial features and other body specific characteristics.

That Barack Obama is a puppet on a string sent to play the game according to the script provided is pretty obvious. That Al Qaeda is a made up terrorist organization used to scare general public and gain control over it through the power of fear is also pretty obvious. But could it be that masterminds behind it went as far as to use Barack Obama as Osama bin Laden? Or is it US president himself who’s playing the game on us all and without being told, he is one and the other?

So that’s why they can’t find Osama. He’s been hiding in the White House all this time. Barack Obama is Osama bin Laden, that’s it ;)

Watch the video proof that Barack Obama is Osama bin Laden below:

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John Brennan Defends the White House with Moronic Remarks

John Brennan Defends the White House with Moronic Remarks

The role of John Brennan in the White House is to be a terrorism advisor and homeland security counsel to President teleprompter dependent extraordinaire Barack Obama. In his divine stupidity, John Brennan went to defend Barack Obama and the White House against remarks made by former vice president Dick Cheney regarding the Christmas Day failed terrorist attack by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Dick Cheney harshly criticized Barack Obama for lack of interest to fight terror with terror. John Brennan responded by claiming that Barack Obama has been “very, very strong” on terrorism and continued with the most ridiculous remarks I have ever heard:

“I would not have come back into this government if I felt that this president was not committed to prosecuting this war against al-Qaeda,”

“And every day, I see it in the president’s face. I see it in the actions he has taken. And, so, I’m confident that this country is, in fact, protected by this president’s position.”

Say what? Let me go and barf now cause John Brennan’s remarks are pure vomit inducing verbal goo.

John Brennan gave his moronic speech on NBC hosted Meet the Press. Below is the video of him addressing the same issue on Fox News.

John Brennan photo by Henry Romero, Reuters

Barack Obama’s Lies to Date (with Video Proofs)

Barack Obamas Lies to Date (with Video Proofs)

Barack Obama is a master liar. Nothing new here, I’ve been saying and proving that ever since he became a real threat. Nobody listened and there he is with his finger on the red button. An unstable individual and an anointed liar, Barack Obama has no problem lying straight into your face and won’t even flinch a brow. He could stand up on his podium and through his teleprompters deliver fabricated speech that’s so perforated with lies, it makes you wonder how he can sleep at night. The list of Barack Obama’s Lies to Date is so long it would fill up my server’s hard drives in no time. But below is a three part video that offers run down of Obama’s open lies he has no problems presenting without even striking a single uncomfortable gesture.

Barack Obama’s Lies to Date Video Part 1

Barack Obama’s Lies to Date Video Part 2

Barack Obama’s Lies to Date Video Part 3

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Golf Digest Cover Features Tiger Woods with Barack Obama (pic)

Golf Digest Cover Features Tiger Woods with Barack Obama (pic)

Golf Digest, a popular magazine about golf features two biggest failures of 2009 on their January issue coverTiger Woods and Barack Obama. The Golf Digest cover also bears a title of the story which reads: “10 Tips Obama Can Take From Tiger.” Obviously, the editors of Golf Digest have no idea what they are talking about. The story should have been named as I have implied above: “Two Biggest Failures of 2009″. That would have been more appropriate and accurate.

According to a spokesperson associated with Golf Digest, the January issue was put together two weeks prior to Tiger Woods’ scandals and the article inside does not address any of that. Yet they are not considering to pull the issues from the shelves. Still, it’s precious timing how they managed to photoshop two biggest failures of 2009 before they both crown themselves as such. Hilarious.

Miley Cyrus Has a Tattoo Under Left Breast – See What Is Say (Bikini Pic)

Miley Cyrus Has a Tattoo Under Left Breast - See What Is Say (Bikini Pic)

Miley Cyrus is 17 year old and already has a tattoo. It’s under her left breast and says “Just Breathe”. Apparently the reason she had “Just Breathe” tattooed under her tit is to commemorate her friend Vanessa who died of cystic fibrosis in 2007. This is the first (and hopefully the only) tattoo Miley Cyrus had done and given that she’s only 17, her parents must have consented to it. I’m not gonna focus on the fact that the internet got flooded with bikini pics of Miley Cyrus last few days as she’s posed half naked for Vanity Fait when she was yet younger than now, so what’s the big deal with bikini. It does reveal the tattoo under her breast, but otherwise no big deal.

So what’s next for Miley Cyrus? Lower back tattoo? That’s what all skanks do so I’d expect Miley Cyrus to follow suit. As a woman, you can’t get any trashier than by getting a lower back tattoo done. It’s like the Devil’s filing you in a category of lost souls who seek refuge in being cheap.

Oh, and let’s hope the “Just Breathe” tattoo is really meant to show support for cystic fibrosis research. Hopefully it’s not a reminder to let her know that she needs to breathe in order not to die. Barack Obama has teleprompters to tell him not to forget breathing but Miley Cyrus doesn’t. Would a tattoo under a breast be enough to keep you alive?

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