Tag Archives: Cholesterol

African Mango Extract – Weight Loss Solution for Your Fat Gut

African Mango Extract - Weight Loss Solution for Your Fat Gut

Let’s get real – you laugh at me for being a fat bastard, but your gut is just as fat as mine. You’re a fattie, you just don’t admit it. Luckily, there’s hope for us fat losers – African Mango Extract is the latest in magical fix-all-your-fat-problems discoveries. According to latest study (got to love those studies), extract from West African Mango can not only help you lose your nasty fat gut, it can allegedly also lower your cholesterol. Now I know you care not about cholesterol, as that’s not gonna get you laid, but shedding that fat gut you’re carrying around… uhhhhh, imagine the hotties that will start rubbing your butt.

To be fair, though – all of you ladies with cropped images on MySpace, let’s not pretend you’re all hotties. You’re just as fat as that guy I was talking to. You need African mango extract more than everyone else cause you’re all fat. You’re fat and ugly and you hook up with everyone but me. But there’s help – African mango extract will make you lean and pretty and when I drop my 600 pounds, you’ll be flattered I wink at you.

African Mango

African Mango, also known as Irvingia Gabonensis grows profusely in West Africa. Extract from seeds of this fruit inhibits fat production – according to lab tests from the University of Yaounde in Cameroon (published by Lipids in Health and Disease journal). Through positive effect on metabolism regulating genes and enzymes, African mango extract sheds those pounds while you sleep. The study was conducted on several fat individuals who were told not to change their diet or exercising habits, but were provided the pills they were expected to take. Some pills were African mango extracts, others were placebo sugar pills. Fat gut individuals who were taking African mango extracts magically turned from ugly fat bastards into sexy lean studs and hotties. Well, not quite so, but there was an average of 28 pounds lost among those taking African mango extracts where as those taking placebo experienced no change and remained as fat as they were before. Fat bastards who took African mango extract also showed dropped sugar and LDL cholesterol levels.

So here – African mango extract aka Irvingia Gabonensis is your ultimate weight loss solution. No more fat gut, take some mango, and become slim.

You can buy African Mango Extract from Amazon by clicking the image below. Make sure you share your experience taing it with everyone on here:

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