Christian Bale Tirade – His Speech Impediment is Annoying

Tuesday 3 February 2009 @ 11:44 am

Christian Bale Tirade - His Speech Impediment is Annoying

Christian Bale needs to shut the fuck up already. Not so because of his 4 minutes long fuck infested verbal diarrhea itchy fag ass tirade he unleashed upon Shane Hurlbut, the Director of Photography while filming Terminator Salvation, but because of his irritating speech impediment that feels like I’m getting poked the eye with a screwdriver. Can someone explain this dumb fuck that he doesn’t belong on silver screen and should take talking classes first?

And by the way – did you think Terminator could not get any worse than it already was? The how about having an actor with speech impediment promenading his stupid ass across your screen as you’re watching that shit? FAIL quadrupled. Christian Bale contributed in great deal to complete failure of The Dark Knight and now he’s contributing to complete failure of Terminator 4. Christian Bale tirade of profanity is something I’d expect from a complete moran.

Apparently what proceeded the tirade, was Shane Hurlbut who was adjusting the lights as Christian Bale was unleashing his annoying speech impediment on cameras and it ticked him off. Moran flipped and spewed shit out of his ass. Threats against Shane Hurlbut were included – just as if director of photography really needed to get his ass kicked. He was already suffering enough having to listen to moron’s speech impediment and inferior acting. I’m glad the tirade was recorded (thanks, audio tech) so every film crew can get an idea what law life, this untalented, speech impeded moran is. Hope he never gets hired again in his entire life. And I’m saying that so I can go enjoy movies like Terminator Salvation without having to listen to his moronic mouth as it moves to speech impediment busted talk.

During his 4 minute long tirade of speech impediment, Christian Bale dropped 36 f-bombs. Congrats to you, Moran! Audio of Christian Bale Tirade is in a video below:


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