Mexican Boxer Daniel Aguillón Dies after Knock-Out by Alejandro Sanabria (video)

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

Mexican Boxer Daniel Aguillón

This is pretty crazy. Young Mexican featherweight boxer Daniel Aguillón was fighting a match against Alejandro Sanabria, also from Mexico on October 15, 2008 in Polanco, Mexico. In 12th round, 40 seconds before the end of the super featherweight bout for the Central American title, Alejandro Sanabria knocked out Daniel Aguillón with a brutal punch to the jaw and Daniel fell on the ring floor unconscious. Medics took him to the hospital, but after 5 days in a coma, Daniel Aguillón was pronounced dead. He was 24 year old :(

During his professional boxing career, Daniel Aguillón went through several matches and his score was 16-4-2. Nine of sixteen won matches were won by knock out. I like watching boxing (or any martial art for that matter) but don’t consider myself an expert. I don’t however think boxers consider dying in the ring any form of great way of passing. I think it’s terrible for any boxer to die as direct result of a boxing fight. If I was to guess, I’d think boxers would want to put on a few years of boxing, make themselves some money and retire early on before there’s any bad damage done to their brain and hopefully their accomplishments would have left the legacy so their name is forever connected with boxing.

The video of the knock out that killed Daniel Aguillón is below. 24 year old is too young to go. Daniel didn’t have a chance to make a big name for himself in boxing, but let’s hope boxing world will not forget him. I wouldn’t be surprised if Alejandro Sanabria – a guy who delivered the punch that killed Daniel Aguillón called it quits and left the ring for good. I don’t know how I would deal with death of a fellow sportsman.

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