Craig Clasen in Diver vs. Tiger Shark Video

Friday, March 13th, 2009

Craig Clasen in Diver vs. Tiger Shark Video

CNN was full of this Diver vs. Tiger Shark Video today claming that Craig Clasen, one of the divers fought and killed 12 foot long tiger shark who attacked his friend diver. Following up on this mind-blowing story, I went to examine what was supposed to be the most bad ass video I’ve ever seen, only to see that CNN were once again full of baby poop.

Yes, it’s an overinflated story. It’s actually not even a story, just a no-adventure of a bunch of nobodies who over inflated it to get on TV. There was clearly no fight. Craig Clasen did not fight any shark. He was fighting half dead animal. I mean let’s be serious for one minute. A 12 foot long tiger shark vs. diver and diver wins killing a shark? Give me a break. Let me tell you what is not on the video and why it is not on the video. My theory is more likely what the real story went down as:

Bunch of blood thirsty animal killers armed with harpoons went to kill themselves a big fish to have something to brag about. You know - that’s one way to impress your boyfriend and get laid. Armed with harpoons, they dived in the ocean and waited around. Then a tiger shark showed up out of nowhere and may have got pretty close to one of the divers, but nothing happened. Shark did not bite diver’s penis off, he can still pleasure his boyfriend. Harpoon shots were fired at the shark, delivering lethal damage, but it did not kill him instantly. Bleeding profusely, tiger shark sort of floated around in agony knowing he was wounded so badly he could no longer fight back or swim away. That’s when Craig Clasen climbed on paralyzed animal and finished him off, which is what we see in the video.

Fighting the shark my ass. Craig Clasen - if you were actually fighting the tiger shark who was not hit several times with harpoon arrows, you would get pulled out of the ocean looking something like THIS or at least THIS. I mean seriously - there is a reason no actual “fight” as you claim was recorded on the video. Everything else was, just no sign of a fight. Are you really expecting me to believe you killed a 12 foot tiger shark? Yeah right…

Craig Clasen in Diver vs. Tiger Shark Video is below. Take a look and tell me if he’s not bullshitting us all. Just as additional info - the video was shot last June off the coast of New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico.