Introducing Jay Barrymore – Emma Watson’s Boyfriend
Wednesday, July 15th, 2009Introducing Jay Barrymore – the luckiest bastard in all the world who gets to taste sweet vaginal juices of the single hottest girl in the world. Emma Watson is an incredible cutie and given that she’s no little Hermione Granger no more, but rather a grown up and legal young woman. Jay Barrymore has no idea what he’s getting. A single blowjob from Emma Watson and I can die a happy man. They’d have to drag me away with a bulldozer if I were to suck on her sweet… enough!
So Jay Barrymore is Emma Watson’s boyfriend and they’re moving in together. Let the orgies begin. Emma Watson owns a £3million house in London, UK so that’s got to be sweet. All is not lost though. When she was chatting on David Letterman, Emma Watson mentioned she was moving to the USA to go to the university. Maybe that’ll destroy her relationship with Jay Barrymore and since she’ll be much closer to me, I could get my shot and embracing the heavenly beast.
British Daily Mail reported that Emma Watson once said she would not go out with anyone famous. That’s great news for me. I’m only famous for being the worst blogger in the world. So far that gets me fanmail, but doesn’t get me laid. Maybe all I need is one British chick moving to the hood. Jay Barrymore ain’t famous either. He’s a financier and is 27 year old. If 27 year old average looking financier could make his way in Emma Watson’s pants, why would 34 year old below average looking piece of shit blogger not make it. I’m ready, Emma. Bring it on. But leave Jay Barrymore at home. He can do my finances in the meantime.
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