Michelle Cook – First Wife and College Sweetheart of David Letterman

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

Michelle Cook - First Wife and College Sweetheart of David Letterman

No joke, this photo is old, small and weird, but it’s the only photo of David Letterman and his first wife and a high school sweetheart Michelle Cook. David Letterman first met Michelle Cook at the Ball State University and it was love at first sight. The two got married on July 2, 1968 – David Letterman was 21 year old and Michelle Cook just turned 22 on the day of their wedding. Since David Letterman keeps his personal life at low profile, everybody wants to know what the scoop with Michelle Cook was, since he’s now married to Regina Lasko, so let’s take a look at his previous marriage to his college sweetheart:

As it turns out, David Letterman married Michelle Cook in secret. His parents did not find out about it until four weeks later, when Michelle Cook came to see them after her already husband somewhat disappeared on her. Obviously, David had some explaining to do and even though he was drunk when beans got spilled, he confessed that he didn’t think the marriage through, but they got married because they loved each other, not because Michelle Cook was pregnant and neither of them was forced into marriage.

Michelle Cook was a music major, while David Letterman got his own degree in telecommunications. Shortly after the marriage, David went to work as weatherman in Indianapolis. The marriage to his college sweetheart lasted till 1977 when the two divorced. Michelle Cook is now 62 year old and I have no idea where she is or what she does. There are basically no verifiable photos other than the picture posted above (still working on tracking some down). Check out the video of David Letterman with Borat below – hilarious stuff.

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