Tag Archives: Joker

New Pics of Heath Ledger as Joker in The Dark Knight

New Pic of Heath Ledger as Joker in The Dark Knight

Why so serious?

British The Sun has released 2 new pictures of Heath Ledger as the Joker. The still are of course from the upcoming movie The Dark Knight by Christopher Nolan.

One of the pictures shows Heath Ledger dressed up as a doctor and the other one has a Joker as the cop. Both pretty creepy which only proves that The Dark Knight movie is gonna kick some major ass.

If you have lived in a cave last few months, The Dark Knight is a sequel to The Batman Begins in which The Joker is an evil psychopath played by Heath Ledger. As we know, The Dark Knight is Heath’s last movie in which he stared and had all photography done before his passing in January. Click for more info on Heath Ledger’s Death. The Dark Knight will probably have been the biggest movie of Heath Ledger’s career. It’s sad this talented actor was lost to a prescription drug overdose.

Heath played The Joker alongside such actors as Christian Bale, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Morgan Freeman, Aaron Eckhart and Michael Caine, who said Heath’s performance was so frightening, he often forgot his lines.

Heath Ledger as Joker Cop in The Dark Knight

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