Kate Bosworth Anorexic Pictures in Bikini

Sunday, April 25th, 2010

Kate Bosworth Anorexic Pictures in Bikini

I think anorexic girls are a perfect jack off material and if they come with small breasts, the beauty is near perfect. As such, I’m filing these pictures of Kate Bosworth in a bikini looking super anorexic under “HOT”. The only thing that can take points off of an anorexic girl with small breasts in a bikini is a douche laying nearby or (blasphemy) touching her. That’s why anorexic Kate Bosworth scores “hot”, but not “perfect”.

She sure does like to pose for that paparazzi camera which is not all that surprising cause she doesn’t have much going for her so taking in all that attention is expected. Still, props from me for hot, flat stomach and cute little titties. And no cellulite from what pictures show. That’s a good sign. Kate Bosworth is officially hawt!

Gallery of pictures of anorexic Kate Bosworth in the bikini is below:

Kate Bosworth Pictures by Pacific Coast News