I can’t help it OK? There’s been more than enough of Tiger Woods and his affairs with mistresses but even I believed at some point that he was living this life of a perfect family that’s setting up an example for all of us, hence I need to add some more shit on already stinky Tiger. Below is the transcript of a SMS text messaging exchange between Tiger Woods and one of his mistresses – Jaimee Grubbs. The text messages exchange is expectedly naughty giving little room to think that the Tiger Woods saga could possibly get any worse. Unless of course (and hopefully) someone leaks a Tiger Woods Sex Tape. Hellz yeah!
Tiger Woods: Hey Sexy I can’t come out this week. Something came up family wise (July 20, 3:04 p.m.)
Jaimee Grubbs: That’s okay I hope everything is fine … would have liked to see you
Tiger Woods: We will make it happen
Jaimee Grubbs: I drove out for the night to surprise a friend with a present for there birthday (July 26, 11: 22 p.m.)
Tiger Woods: what kind of present your naked body
Jaimee Grubbs: haha no a watch I slept alone
Tiger Woods: alone with him that is
Jaimee Grubbs: haha I wish
Jaimee Grubbs: miss u (Sept. 27, 6:38 p.m.)
Tiger Woods: now that’s hot so who is your new boy toy
Jaimee Grubbs: no new boy toy … still running dry… been on 2 real dates in the pat 2 months 
Tiger Woods: I need you
Jaimee Grubbs: then get your tight ass over here and visit me! I need u
Tiger Woods: I will wear you out soon
Jaimee Grubbs: how soon? I got a new piercing
Tiger Woods: really. Where
Jaimee Grubbs: I just sent u a pic of it … is on my cheek below my eye … implanted a little diamond
Tiger Woods: send it again. I didn’t pick up on that
Tiger Woods: you just need some attention from me
Tiger Woods: do you have a boy friend (8:45 p.m.)
Jaimee Grubbs: I don’t even have someone I am dating … no … u can be my boyfriend 
Tiger Woods: then I am
Jaimee Grubbs: I wish
Tiger Woods: quiet and secretively we will always be together
Tiger Woods: when was the last time you got laid
Jaimee Grubbs: if we hang out on a Sundway we can watch desperate houswives again haha (Sept. 30, 3:38 p.m.)
Tiger Woods: oh god
Jaimee Grubbs: take a break from watching boring old golf
Jaimee Grubbs: I mean the amazing sport of golf 
Jaimee Grubbs: [more than an hour later] babe I was kidding
Tiger Woods: I know sexy
Jaimee Grubbs: is it orange county time yet? (Oct. 1, 6:06 p.m.)
Tiger Woods: oh stop 
Jaimee Grubbs: hahaha I know … but you canceled on me last time so the anticipation is killing me … im finding myself watching sports center … haha j/k it isn’t that bad
Tiger Woods: its never been that bad
Jaimee Grubbs: very true … I only watch football
Tiger Woods: Figured you would say that. Big black guys.
Jaimee Grubbs: u are my first, last and only black guy! U should feel special
Tiger Woods: why do I not believe that?
Tiger Woods: [later, in response to Jaimee's mention of a date who was "full of himself"] you kinda like that for some reason which is weird why you decided on me.
Tiger Woods: having an asian mother and a military father you cannot and will not ever be full of yourself
Jaimee Grubbs: I have fun with u, you always make me smile and I am not afraid to be myself or say anything to u … the day I met u I thought u were going to kick me out a few times but for someone reason you didn’t and u have told me numerous times I talk to much but slowly as I get to know u iI think your absolutely amazing
Tiger Woods: you are wrong I’m bone thugs in harmon
Jaimee Grubbs: Something wrong babe?I was excited to sepnd time with u this week (Oct. 15, 6:40 p.m.)
Tiger Woods: I will you Sunda night. Its the only night in which I am totally free but I have to leave at 530 Monday morning to drive up to the valley for an outing for one of my sponsors. See you at 8 pm on Sunday in newport
Tiger Woods: don’t text me back till tomorrow morning. I have to many people around me right now
Tiger Woods: send me something very naughty (Oct. 18, 3:40 p.m.)
Jaimee Grubbs: some things are worth waiting for lol … besides im at work
Tiger Woods: go to the bathroom and take it
Jaimee Grubbs: haha ur too much
Jaimee Grubbs: are u leaving me cause your wife is still in newport
I am lonely now … i like falling asleep in your arms (Oct. 18, 11:38 p.m.)
Tiger Woods: sorry baby I just can’t sleep. Its just a problem I have.
Tiger Woods: she is not here. They left this morning
Jaimee Grubbs: well I appreciate you not wanting to wake me up but if y couldn’t sleep I would have rather sat up and talked to u more … find out why I keep falling more and more for u 
Tiger Woods: Because I’m blasian 
Tiger Woods: I’m sorry babe. Im already home.
Jaimee Grubbs: I’m putting my underwear back on … thats a no no … come take them off
Tiger Woods:
you are too funny
Tiger Woods: happy thanksgiving to you (Nov. 26, 11:16 a.m.)
Jaimee Grubbs: u too love
How do these text messages leak all the time anyway? Are there no more privacy laws of sorts? U4nless of course it’s Jaimee Grubbs herself that transcribed this SMS conversation and gracefully shared out of her own interest. This is a likely scenario as Jaimee Gribbs likely used to think that she was the only “special” and “secret” girl in Tiger Woods’ life but as the list of his mistresses kept growing, she realized that she was just another pussy on his dick. She was nothing special to him and nothing special to anyone else. Bitch got mad and posted the text messages she’s exchanged with Tiger Woods. Now you see who you shoved your Black/Asian dick into, Tiger? Filthy. In this day and age when everything is ruled by in internet, there is no such thing as “What happens in Vegas, stay in Vegas”. These days it’s all about “What happens in Vegas, makes it on the internet within minutes”. Poor Tiger Woods.
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