Did Liam Neeson Piss His Pants? (pic)
Monday, June 2nd, 2008Do you file this under “wardrobe mulfunction” too? Or does it only count when a nipple is exposed? Pissing ones pants in public definitely counts as some of the most humiliating things that can happen to a man. And it looks like it happened to Liam Neeson yesterday. He seems to be standing there calmly which is rather confusing, becuase you’d expect a man who just pissed himself to be at least somewhat confused and embarassed, so I tend to think he may have just spilled a drink on his pants (after all, he’s Irish). Whether that happened to be the case, I seriously admire his aiming. If he actually spilled last pint of guinness on his crotch, he surely hit the right spot to make it look like he pissed himself. What do you think? Did Liam Neeson piss his pants or is this just a harmless liquid spillige that landed at the wrong spot?
Liam Neeson is an actor best known for his role in Steven Spielberg’s Shindler’s List and he’s also the magical voice of Aslan, the lion leader of Narnians in The Chronicles of Narnia. Got to love them peeps in Ireland. They remain cool even if they piss their pants.