Introducing Lizzy Caplan

Monday, October 20th, 2008
Lizzy Caplan Hot Pic

Lizzy Caplan Hot Pic

Lizzy Caplan is that hot chick from Cloverfield. You’ve seen Cloverfield, right? Good movie, you’d miss out if you haven’t. Lizzy Caplan played Marlena Diamond and added that important touch of “hot” to the movie.

That’s about it for the introduction of Lizzy Caplan. Her star is only rising but girl’s got potential. Now her sexy ass was hired to play part in upcoming HBO vampire series True Blood. I’m actually rather delighted with HBO’s choice. Lizzy Caplan has it all – she’s hot, has sex appeal and alternative look to go with the mood of True Blood. I’d let her suck my blood dry if she jumped on me with spiky teeth.

More Lizzy Caplan Pics below

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