Gerald Celente - Worst Economic Collapse Ever (video)
Sunday, February 15th, 2009Gerald Celente is a trends forecaster and The Trends Research Institute CEO from the USA. In this video, Gerald Celente is interviewed by Marina Portnaya (she’s kind of hot) from Russia Today. The main topics of an interview are fragile US economy, bank bailouts and stimulus plans. Taking all that into account, Gerald Celente basically says that the panic 2008 will be followed by the collapse of 2009 - the worst economic collapse ever.
Gerald Celente begins his interview by stating that “We will see an economic collapse the likes of which the world has never seen before”. And that will affect the whole planet on a global scale, not just the US, suggests Gerald Celente. The sales during Christmas season of 2008 were down in various industries by 20 - 30% sometimes more. 2008 brought bankruptcies of many big corporations, such as Circuit City, big retail chains have closed down many locations (Home Depot, Starbucks, Macy’s, etc). This has vacated whole lot of retail space and Gerald Celente believes there will bo no one to rent that vacant business space.
The interview continues talking about job losses and an imminent depression of unknown proportions - worse than Great Depression. Gerald Celente states that consumption of anti depressants in America is higher than anywhere else in the world. He further predicts that there will be an increase in crime in the United States to the point that the U.S. will become worse than third word countries when it comes to crime - which is an accompaniment to the worst economic collapse ever.
Gerald Celente goes as far as suggesting there will be kidnappings happening and gets interrupted by Marina Portnaya who doesn’t believe any of it. She also brought up Barack Obama and “hope” he brings to people. Gerald Celente kind of just wiped it off under the table. He did not ditch Barack Obama himself, he just said that as new president, he will not be able to pull enough off to stop this economic collapse. Later into the interview he addresses Barack Obama’s pledge to pull out of Iraq as soon as he’s elected president. Now that he is the president, he put it off till 60 months later and he’s already planning to move more troops to Afghanistan. Plain and simple - Barack Obama has been full of shit right from the start and continues bullshitting everyone in exactly the same fashion.
A million dollar question was asked then - What would be the good jobs, to benefit from this crazy economic collapse. Gerald Celente spat out immediately without thinking - anything to do with health. That gave me an idea - start selling Acai Berry products. It seems to be the shit nowadays. People are gonna need magic potions, I can give it to them and become rich. And if not Acai Berry, then plain and simple - medical Marijuana.
Current events shape future trends - that was in interesting line. So yeah - according to Gerald Celente we are ahead of the worst economic collapse ever. Get ready!
Full video interview with Gerald Celente on Worst Economic Collapse Ever is below: