Miley Cyrus Cleavage Photo Self Shot in Bathroom

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

Miley Cyrus Cleavage Photo Self Shot in Bathroom

I wonder what exactly goes through Miley Cyrus‘ head when she takes self shot photos of herself in bathrooms. She’s probably like: “Damn, that cleavage I’m sporting today looks awesome. I need to take a picture of it and post it on Twitter cause I’m so self obsessed with myself I couldn’t otherwise”. There’s not much of a cleavage in this picture anyway, but that’s probably why she shared it in the first place – to keep that fantasy going.

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Baby Scared of Miley Cyrus (pic)

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

Baby Scared of Miley Cyrus

I know where you’re coming from. I’d be scared shitless too if I was forced to face those monstrous horse teeth Miley Cyrus is sporting. She has one of the nastiest gaping filthmouth one can ever come across and to have it about eat you for lunch is bound to scare you for life. The fear in this baby’s eyes is undisputed.

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Miley Cyrus Boobs Flopping Up and Down (pics)

Sunday, March 1st, 2009

Miley Cirus Boobs Flopping Pic

Miley Cyrus loves to show off her boobs. She does. Nevermind the pedobear, this is the fact – Miley yrus loves to provoke and have her boobes out just enough so her nipples and areola are covered. One more thing she likes to do is show up with her clearly homosexual boyfriend Justin Gaston. That guy is gayer than American Football.

Miley Cyrus boobs decided to go for a little jog with her homosexual boyfriend Justin Gaston. The two picked the best place for jogging ever – a road. There are cars behind them, cars before them, exhaust smog, paparazzi and pedo bear everywhere you look. Makes sense right? If your name is Miley Cyrus, this is exactly the place where you’re gonna show how much your boobs flop, isn’t it?

To top it all up, Miley’s choice of jogging wear consists of bikini bathing suit, fashion sneakers and jean shorts. Was she really jogging or just showing her boobs off to the paparazzi? I’m sure Billy Ray Cyrus approves. Whatever draws more attention to his little ho and makes more monye is fine with him.

More pics of Miley Cyrus Boobs Flopping Up and Down in the gallery below:

Miley Cyrus and Justic Guston Picture credit: Wenn, Splash

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