Police Brutality Video - Maurice Harrington Beating Michael Cephus

Monday, August 4th, 2008

Police brutality video from New York City documents an NYPD cop Maurice Harrington delivering extremely horrific, painful beating to Michael Cephus using his a collapsible metal baton in full swings.

The video has caused much controversy pointing out that extreme police brutality is reality. Maurice Harrington - a four year NYPD veteran has been since relieved from duty and had to give up his badge and gun while the case is under investigation. 46 year old Michael Cephus, the victim of the beating says the cop just started hitting him and the video seems to prove it, however Maurice Harrington claims Michael Cephus was drunk and tried to attack him with his fists and umbrella.

I don’t know about that claim, but from te video it looks like Maurice Harrington was mercilessly beating Michael Cephus with the baton while he was on the ground as another police officer is trying to put hand cuffs on him. I see no reason why Maurice Harrington would start to hit Michael Cephus’ leg with full power while he was down other than he wanted to show him ho the boss is and that he’s not to mess with a cop on duty. That pretty much means it WAS police brutality at its finest. Clear abuse of power. The case is still under investigation (makes you wander what excuse will be used to swipe t under the rug) but the video seems to depict Maurice Harrington as cop on power trip. What a pig!