Child Camel Jockeys in United Arab Emirates – SHOCKING VIDEO

Monday, February 15th, 2010

Child Camel Jockeys in United Arab Emirates - SHOCKING VIDEO

Remember the video or Sheikh Issa torturing a man in the United Arab Emirates desert with assistance of UAE police officers that UAE officials never acted upon? Back then I urged everyone to reconsider their travel to the United Arab Emirates so as not to waste their money supporting a country that freely utilizes torture against people and I stand by my claim. Today I have an even more shocking video to share, one that uncovers similarly outrageous side of UAE royals – Child Camel Jockeys.

Keep in mind that United Arab Emirates is a predominantly Muslim country which should already raise red flags as when it comes to child abuse, child sex slavery and other abuse of children, Muslim countries are clear and undisputed leaders. Child Camel Jockeys in United Arab Emirates are a combination of virtually every abuse a child can be put through. They are sexually abused, they are underfed, they are deprived of sleep and medication, they are beaten and tortured, they are kidnapped from their families and their country to serve as slaves for entertainment of UAE king and sheikhs.

The shocking video that documents the atrocity done to these innocent children – some as young as 3 year old is below but be aware of the fact that the details outlined are extremely disturbing and upsetting. Many children from Child Camel Jockey camps are interviewed revealing horrific details from their lives of living hell. Most of Child Camel Jockeys are kidnapped and brought to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates from Pakistan or Bangladesh, others are bought at sex trades for as little as $500. Camels used for child races get better treatment than these kids.

It’s time to shed the false perception of United Arab Emirates as pro western country in the Gulf region. It is not. UAE is an Islamic country with proven record of torture and child abuse, including child slavery and sex trade. These children live lives that involve brutal punishments and grow up being terrified from daily mistreatment and abuse. This is the reality of their lives. This is the real United Arab Emirates, not poshy buildings and manmade islands in Dubai. Child Camel Jockeys are disposable camel riders whose fate once they’ve outgrown the desired size is unknown. These children are too little to stand up for themselves, or fight and demand better treatment. They are underfed to keep them lightweight and to save money on their “maintenance”. When the news of Child Camel Jockeys started to spread across the globe uncontrollably, the UAE chiefs responded by banning cameras from events. Truly a horrific country and I hope each of you reconsiders your travel to avoid supporting this child abusing, torture utilizing, child sex slavery promoting country. Ban UAE!

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United Arab Emirates Torture Tape – Extreme Brutality of UAE Royal Sheikh Issa (video)

Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

United Arab Emirates Royal Sheikh Issa Brutally Tortured a Victim

Have you thought of taking a trip to the United Arab Emirates? Well, think again! Despite it’s apparent glamour, the United Arab Emirates is a country where even members of royal family practice brutal torture. Royal Sheikh Issa seen in a photo above put a man through extremely brutal torture and had it all filmed on camera so he could watch it later. The torture was assisted by UAE police officer and was obviously fully supported by the royals as actions of Sheikh Issa were classified as “correctly followed”. Take a look at the video below and tell me if this is something you would aprove of. Is this a country you would want to travel to?

Sheikh Issa Bin Zayed Al Nayhan is a member of UAE royal family. His father Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan is the president of United Arab Emirates and his brother Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan is the crown prince. In a video tape obtained by Houston, Texas businessman Bassam Nabulsi, Sheikh Issa is seen torturing a man in the middle of the desert. It’s dark outside and there’s only light coming from a nearby car. Bassam Nabulsi claims the video was taped by Sheikh Issa’s brother who is given instructions to come closer and get details of the torture so Sheikh Issa could re-watch it when he returns to the palace.

The name of tortured man is Mohammed Shah Poor and he’s a grain merchant from Afghanistan. Mohammed Shah Poor had his feet tied with a rope by UAE police officer. While he was tied up, Sheikh Issa pressed his knee against his head and force-fed him the sand from the desert. To keep tortured man really scared, Sheikh Issa kept firing rounds from an automatic weapon into the sand within immediate proximity of Mohammed Shah Poor. That was just the beginning. The best was yet to come.

After initial torture, Sheikh Issa took a cattle prod and forced it into the anus of Mohammed Shah Poor which was turned up after insertion. After that Sheikh Issa beat the man with a wooden prank which had protruding nails on it. Having ripped tortured man’s by sharp nails, Sheikh Issa then proceeded to pour salt into the bleeding wounds. Abused, beaten and bleeding, Mohammed Shah Poor was lying half unconscious in the sand, when Sheikh Issa proceeded to run him over several times with his fancy Mercedes SUV. There are certain torture scenes that were not shown on the broadcast tape, but later into the torture, Sheikh Issa poured lighter fluid over Mohammed Shah Poor’s genitals and set them alight.

Bassam Nabulsi, a businessman who smuggled the torture video out of UAE alleges that he was also subjected to torture after his relationship with Sheikh Issa turned sour. He claims that Sheikh Issa tortured Mohammed Shah Poor because he felt that the man overcharged him for grain he was looking to purchase.

After international pressure against United Arab Emirates, the torture tape was reviewed by the UAE government who released following statement:

all rules, policies and procedures were followed correctly by the Police Department.

Wow, United Arab Emirates definitely sounds like a fair country to visit. I care less about Burj Al Arab – the only 7 star hotel in the world being in Dubai, I care less about man made islands in the shape of the palm tree that can be seen from the space. This fancy cover hides the real United Arab Emirates – a country where torture is readily practiced by the royals and victims get no justice. That’s what true United Arab Emirates is all about and I hope everyone reconsiders their travels before it’s your turn to get taken to the desert and have the testicules set on fire by a royal sheikh.

The video depicting extreme brutality of UAE royal Sheikh Issa as he’s torturing a helpless man in the desert is below. Be warned that the video contains images of extremely gruesome nature that many people could find offensive. It’s footage from ABC News program called Nightline so the most horrific images have been removed. Still, the tape shows true face of United Arab Emirates and that face is not pretty. Don’t take this warning lightly.

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